International Data Centre on Hydrology of Lakes and Reservoirs
NEWS. Reports
Eigth Meeting of the Steering Committee
The Eight Meeting of the HYDROLARE Steering Committee was opened at the State Hydrological institute (SHI) in St. Petersburg, on November 08, 2023 (online) by Prof. Valery Vuglinsky, Director of HYDROLARE. He welcomed the participants to the eight meeting of the HYDROLARE Steering Committee. In his welcome remarks he provided a brief summary of the activity of SHI, the role and functions of HYDROLARE and wished the Steering Committee fruitful and efficient discussions. Open
Seventh Meeting of the Steering Committee
The seventh HYDROLARE Steering Committee meeting was organized by FSBI "SHI" in the format of a video conference and was held on October 27, 2021 (due to the coronavirus pandemic in 2019, the SCC meeting was not held ). The meeting was attended by the representatives of WMO, GTN-H, GRDC and LEGOS. The seventh meeting of the Steering Committee of HYDROLARE was held online on 27 October 2021 with the participation of the representatives of WMO, GRDC and LEGOS/CNES. Open
Sixth Meeting of the Steering Committee
The 6th HYDROLARE Steering Committee Meeting was held in Saint-Petersburg, Russia from 18th to 20th July 2017. The meeting was attended by the representatives of WMO, GTN-H, GRDC and LEGOS. The main objective of the meeting was to inform the Steering Committee on the progress made by the centre over the past two years as well as to discuss the future activity and agree on the planned actions. Participants were informed on the status of the database and data collection, development of the IT-infrastructure, data products and core HYDROLARE activities. Open
The fifth meeting of the Steering Committee
The fifth meeting of the Steering Committee of HYDROLARE took place at the State Hydrological Institute (SHI) in St. Petersburg on 29 September - 1 October 2015 with the participation of the representatives of WMO, GRDC, ILEC, GCOS and LEGOS/CNES. Open
Fourth Meeting of the Steering Committee
The fourth meeting of the Steering Committee of HYDROLARE took place at the State Hydrological Institute (SHI) in St. Petersburg on 24-26 September 2013 with the participation of the representatives of WMO, GRDC, ILEC, GCOS and LEGOS/CNES. Open
Third meeting of the Steering Committee
The third meeting of the Steering Committee of HYDROLARE took place at the State Hydrological Institute (SHI) in St. Petersburg on 5-7 July 2011 with the participation of the representatives of WMO, GRDC, ILEC, GCOS and LEGOS/CNES. Open
Second meeting of the Steering Committee
The second meeting of the Steering Committee (SC-II) of the International Centre on the Hydrology of Lakes and Reservoirs (HYDROLARE) took place at ROSHYDROMET´s State Hydrological Institute (SHI) in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, on 15-17 July 2009. Main goals of the session were to assess progress against the milestones agreed at the first meeting in 2007, to address issues related to implementation, and to bring relevant international partners of SHI into the picture. Open
Report on the activities of HYDROLARE in 2008
Hydrology of Lakes and Reservoirs (HYDROLARE) on the activities of HYDROLARE in 2008. Open
First meeting of the Steering Committee
The first meeting of the Steering Committee of the International Centre on the Hydrology of Lakes and Reservoirs (HYDROLARE) took place at the State Hydrological Institute (SHI) in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, on 14-15 June 2007. SHI is part of the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (ROSHYDROMET) and will host HYDROLARE, building on its technical expertise, infrastructure and support by ROSHYDROMET. Open