International Data Centre on Hydrology of Lakes and Reservoirs
DATA PRODUCTS. HYDROLARE database description
The HYDROLARE database initially included data on lakes and reservoirs of the former Soviet Union. In the future, the database was replenished with data on water bodies of WMO member countries that agreed to cooperate with the Center (Data acquisition and accept). The database contains data on water, thermal and ice conditions at hydrological stations by years: - average monthly and annual water levels; - average monthly water temperature; - maximum water temperature in a year, dates and number of cases of its observation; - maximum ice thickness in a year, dates and number of cases of its observation. The following data on the water body as a whole are also presented: - average monthly and annual water levels; - water levels on the first date of each month; - water levels obtained by satellite altimetry. In addition, the corresponding metadata is presented by water bodies and stations. The source of ground observation data is the materials of the water cadastre of the Russian Federation, which are at the disposal of the State Hydrological Institute (SHI) and data provided by relevant organizations of the WMO member countries. Satellite data provided by the Laboratory for Space Geophysical and Oceanographic Research (LEGOS) at the National Space Research Centre (CNES) (Toulouse, France). Today the database contains observational data on 1069 lakes and reservoirs from 48 countries of the world and 1201 hydrological stations on them. The number of stations for which there are data on the water level - 1178, on the water temperature - 515, on the maximum ice thickness in the year - 140. Data on the water level obtained by satellite altimetry are available for the 87 of lakes and reservoirs in the 34 of countries. At the interactive GOOGLE map there is for each lake and reservoir and its stations information about the period of availability of all types of data that are available in the HYDROLARE database and can be obtained on request (Form of request). Detailed information on the data availability here.