International Data Centre on Hydrology of Lakes and Reservoirs
DATA PRODUCTS. Integrated database
The Integrated database of in-situ and satellite water level observations of lakes and reservoirs.
The Integrated database (DB) of in-situ and satellite water level observations of lakes and reservoirs was created with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR project No. 21-55-15007\21. DB contains data of in-situ and satellite observations on 29 largest lakes and reservoirs in the world since 1992. In-situ data are presented by average monthly and average annual water levels for 169 hydrological stations, as well as levels averaged over water body. Satellite data characterize water level on individual satellite tracks. The source of in-situ data were the materials of the water cadastre of Russian Federation and HYDROLARE database, which are at the disposal of the State Hydrological institute (SHI). The satellite observation data were provided by the French laboratory LEGOS - a foreign grant partner. The database is accessed via the cartographic interface. The data contained in the DB can be obtained on request and only for non-commercial use.
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